

Christians Abroad greatly appreciates fundraising to individual projects to which we provide adminstrative support.

For donations, please carry out a bank transfer using the Christians Abroad bank details below along with the relevant bank transfer country reference.

Christians Abroad

Sort Code 40-52-40

Account No. 00033880

Please then send an email to notifying Christians Abroad of the donation made, the donation's purpose and whether you would like the donation gift aided.

Christian Abroad's chartered accountant will then be in contact with you.

Alternatively, please complete the Gift Aid Form and send it as an email attachment to

Country Project References


NEPAL RELIEF = Stewardship fundraiser link

Children's Home Project = Ref Nepal Home

Women's Sewing/Tailoring Project = Ref Nepal Women

Destitute Street Children Project = Ref Nepal Street


RESPITE CAMPS = Stewardship fundraiser link

Refugee & Jordan Disadvantaged Schooling = Ref Jordan School


Refugee Trauma Counselling = Ref Kenya Trauma

Holy Land                                                                                       

Reconciliation Activity Days = Stewardship fundraiser link 

South Africa                                                                                   

The Gathering Project = Ref Finnies S Africa

CAB General Fund                                                                         

Christians Abroad General Fund = Ref CAB General